
Kinesiology is the study of movement which has applications for orthopedics, occupational therapies, physical therapy and rehabilitation, among others. Complementary health and wellness therapies utilize Systematic Kinesiology to help access information from the strength and weakness of muscle groups, which helps to keep the individual healthy before any symptoms arise.

Kinesiology is truly a holistic form of healthcare which can provide preventative support and the potential for mental, emotional, physical and energetic healing.

The Systematic Kinesiology Practice

Jennifer completed the UK Foundation Course over a 6-month period with more than 100 hours of training from The Academy of Systematic Kinesiology (TASK). This training furthers the discipline of Applied Kinesiology by aligning individual Meridians, which correspond to organs stimulated through massage, to the connecting muscle groups.

The Kinesiology Session

Treatments last approximately one hour and include hands-on bodywork during which the client lies on a table, fully clothed in a safe and professional clinic setting. The session includes muscle testing, massage, cranial sacral, acupressure and Meridian balancing utilizing methods from Eastern philosophy.  Please see below for more information about the kinesiology treatment.  You can contact Jennifer here with questions or to make an appointment.

The Kinesiology Treatment

In the following video, TASK Principal Claire Muller gives an introduction to Muscle Testing:

One fundamental test, and example of a Systematic Kinesiology treatment, consists of the Central Meridian which corresponds with the Supraspinatus (muscle on top of the shoulder blade where the upper arm is inserted) that relates to the Lymphatic system. The Lymphatic system is the river of health which runs through the body. It has more fluid volume than our circulating blood, and no pump (like the heart), so the Lymph system is highly susceptible to congestion that can lead to dis-ease.

If the muscle performs weakly, the Kinesiologist will stimulate the points through massage (under the arm and on the base of the neck) to ease congestion of the Lymphatic system. Treatment also includes acupressure points on corresponding parts of the skull and then stimulation of the connected Meridians to help (re) program and (re) balance the body toward clearing any imbalances and to stimulate healing.

Systematic Kinesiology can also help to determine through muscle testing if individual organs (e.g. the liver, kidneys, stomach, intestines, etc.) are struggling with blocked energy from chemicals, emotional trauma, or toxicity, as well as nutritional deficiencies in vitamins and minerals, which are interfering with organ functioning. Muscle testing can provide specific information to assess any nutrients the client’s systems or organs need, to improve their overall health.

This holistic approach can also help to assess food sensitivities, addictions, and if “too much” of any food causes the person to experience ill health. Systematic Kinesiology can also assess if the system is being over-stimulated and negatively affected by chemicals, toxins, etc. Treatment includes stimulation of Meridian Energy Interchange points, which can also help to strengthen and energize (or, if needed, to sedate) these Meridians. This helps reprogram the body to respond to the therapy energetically. Clients report feeling a general sense of well-being and calmness after the Systematic Kinesiology treatment.