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Homeopathy and COVID-19

In these challenging days of living with the COVID-19 pandemic, there are many issues that have arisen from self-isolating and quarantine.  It is comforting to know that homeopathy can provide support as we all do our best to manage the uncertainly and anxiety of this historical time. However, homeopathy cannot prevent or cure any disease.

This pandemic has reminded us all that good common-sense hygiene of diligent hand washing, covering our mouths when sneezing or coughing and staying home when unwell can and will save lives.

Health care workers have been heroic under the most stressful and painful circumstances with a desperate shortage of medical equipment from masks, to protective face shields and gowns.  My utmost respect and admiration go to these essential workers, and although I am well, I stay home to do my part to protect the vulnerable…and to help these healthcare heroes who fight every day to save lives.

Recently, I had a client who rang her doctor with suspected Covid-19 and was advised to stay home as long as her symptoms were minor, and she was coping.  This woman is in her 50s with no pre-existing conditions or chronic respiratory symptoms. Through an acute phone consultation, we discussed her symptoms and I then recommended a series of remedies she might consider taking, while following her doctor’s recommendations, to help boost her overall immunity.

However, because of the nature of relapse with this virus, I encouraged her to carry on with her homeopathic treatment for another 2 weeks and to check in with her GP if/as needed.  I also encouraged her to get a test to see if it can be confirmed, and if she shows the antibodies. Homeopathy can also be helpful for people suffering from some of the emotional symptoms that have arisen from this pandemic.  Anxiety about the disease and fear of contracting it have led to a host of other symptoms from disruption of sleep, over- eating and use of alcohol, to digestive complaints and panic attacks, among others. Remedies can help to reduce the intensity and frequency of anxiety and related symptoms so that we can better cope with the uncertainty and day-to-day challenges of living in quarantine.

In mental and emotional cases, the homeopathic consultation entails an extensive discussion about your mental and emotional well-being and ways in which the individual is ‘coping’; whether these strategies are helpful, or not, they guide the homeopath toward specific remedies. For example, one person may cope with anxiety through obsessively cleaning and another through over-eating (or both) – these  are ‘symptoms’ which guide me, the homeopath, to the remedy that the individual may need for support.

Another example is someone under the isolation and loss of freedom may ‘cope’ by becoming obsessed with social media for ‘support’, only to find that it brings on deeper feelings of loneliness and grief.

Many clients tell me that they find  the homeopathic consultation and having someone to talk to when under emotional duress, is comforting and healing. I credit my post-graduate training in counselling to have provided many of the skills acquired in listening and providing a safe, non-judgmental, and confidential environment.  I also encourage self-compassion , asking questions that bring self-awareness while also recommending nurturing practices such as meditation and yoga, among others. If you need support don’t hesitate to reach out to me.    

Kindly e-mail me to schedule a remote consultation. Alternatively, you can complete the form on my contact page (see links below).

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