Search Results for: anxiety
Nature can provide the gentlest and safest support for a vast array of emotional issues, such as anxiety and depression, with no side-effects, no interference with existing medications, and no detrimental effect on other health conditions.
One such method of harvesting nature’s healing came from Dr. Edward Bach, a physician and homeopath, who in 1928 discovered 38 floral essences which he found in his practice could support an individual through various effects of emotional suffering. Dr. Bach believed that emotional balance and harmony were paramount to health.
The original Bach Flowers are sourced from 38 wild-flowers which have been systematically harvested and through sun or heat (water) and preserved in pure brandy. Dr. Bach established the Bach Centre in Oxfordshire, England from which the flowers originated from a pure, organic source of its own self-contained gardens.
The flowers, both prescribed individually and in combinations, can help address anxiety, specific (heights, illness, etc.) and uncertainties and loss of confidence. They can also be highly effective in lifting depression from a loss of a loved one, business, or loneliness. Bach Flowers can also help provide a sense of grounding and stability which life feels overwhelming, purpose for those in life, career and relationship transition as well as protection when feeling uncertain and vulnerable in new situations.
A module of my six-month training at TASK in the UK for kinesiology I am also now providing Bach Flower support utilizing colour therapy which leads clients to choosing colour combinations which align with an individualized tonic of several Bach Flowers. This tonic is provided to clients to take as/if needed when needing both acute and chronic emotional support.
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I attended Jennifer’s practice to help overcome terrible anxiety from which I’d been suffering for well over 12 months. On a scale of 1-10, my anxiety was 8/9 at my first consultation. But I’m delighted with my progress and would place myself around 1/2 on that same scale today. Jennifer and homeopathy have helped me enormously to get back to my old self, and the improvement has happened within a few months. Female – age 47
Change is inevitable in life, but perhaps one of the changes that can cause the greatest stress and anxiety is moving and, most especially, emigrating to another country, whether it be for business or life circumstances.
According to one text on Mental Health (The Expanding Family Life Cycle), “Even when freely chosen…the separation from loved ones, the intangible emotional vacuum left in the space where ‘home’ used to be; loss of community…immigrants are rendered isolated and susceptible to both individual and family distress.” (Falicov, C., 2016, p.223).
The immense change of home, cultural differences, and separation from family, friends and community can lead to feelings of homesickness, isolation and cause anxiety and depression. One group that is most susceptible to this are the wives, husbands, domestic partners, and family members of workers that are sent to work abroad. In many countries these partners are unable to secure work permits and thus work outside the home, further leading to loneliness and isolation.
In 2018 the American Chamber of Commerce estimates that as many as 155,000 people are directly employed by over 700 US firms in Ireland, with the vast majority situated in Dublin. The relationship between the U.S. and Ireland is strong and the U.S. accounts for 67% of all foreign direct investments. Both countries are English-speaking, Ireland is seen as a gateway to Europe, as well as offering tax incentives which make it a lucrative place for American companies to do business.
The typical employment contract is between one and three years, and in order to attract highly skilled upper management and consultants to relocate, these American companies offer highly competitive relocation packages to cover moving costs, housing, transportation, and education. However, these packages in many instances do not address the needs of the partners/spouses/families in transitioning, most especially with emotional support they may require while adjusting to their new home in a new country. This support is generally provided through groups or private counselling with mental health practitioners skilled in this particular area.
This same Mental Health text states “Migration is a massive individual and family transition in time and space. It begins before the act of relocation and goes on for a long time…the transition is replete with loss and disarray.” (Falicov, C., 2016, p.223)
In this area I have personal experience of migration, moving to Dublin from Los Angeles in 2001, back to New York in 2017, and then returning to Dublin in 2019. I understand first- hand the isolation and loneliness of moving and living abroad. Although Ireland shares the same language, it is a very different place than Los Angeles or New York, with many subtle and not so subtle cultural differences that left me at times feeling more of an outsider. While some are social and the language differences can be amusing (and the Irish are some of the most tolerant people I have met), it is also potentially embarrassing especially when occurring in public.
In 2006 I qualified as a licensed, registered Homeopath in Dublin, and as my clinic was located near the American Embassy, I treated many ex-pats struggling with feelings of loneliness, isolation and homesickness. If left without emotional support, these could lead to deeper feelings of depression as well as physical symptoms from sleep disturbances to hormonal imbalances from irregular cycles, PMT, and an aggravation of menopausal symptoms. In the consultation there is often a collective relief that the patient had met and could talk with someone ‘who understands.’ From the viewpoint of holistic health, emotional and physical states are often connected. Homeopathic remedies can often provide safe, natural and effective treatments to help address the physical symptoms as well as day to day support emotionally.
If you are an ex-pat and would like support with the transition to life in Ireland or have experienced physical symptoms as a result, feel free to ring me at 086 359 4557 for a confidential appointment. I’m available on Fridays, Saturdays and Mondays, and my Clinic is located at 15 Upper Baggot Street, Dublin 4. Further information is available throughout this website.
I have also started a completely separate therapeutic group counselling service for ex-pat Americans adjusting to life in Ireland. For more information, please visit
I suffered with anxiety, depression, insomnia, gut issues and a sluggish liver. My doctor wanted to put me on several medications, which I wanted to avoid at all costs, and I decided to go the natural route.
I received treatment from holistic doctors and tried acupuncture, herbal medicines, hypnosis, and even counsellors …and nothing worked! While searching the web, I read about the wonders of homeopathy and looked up a local practitioner and found Jennifer Gordon in Tarrytown.
She assured me that I wasn’t hopelessly broken and recommended a homeopathic protocol. Within a few weeks, my sleep improved and my anxiety and depression began to subside. Now I am all the way back to health!
Jennifer took the time to understand what was happening mentally and physically and taught me that in holistic therapies it is all connected. She even treated my finger which was smashed in an accident. I have never written any review until now but I feel that I need to share my story and the wonders of homeopathy!
Male – Age 62
I started visiting Jennifer in October 2014. I had just been diagnosed with a fistula and was told I would have to have multiple surgeries as the wound would not heal by itself. I had also been suffering from anxiety and generally feeling very depressed for several years. When I found Jennifer on Google I was scared and felt very alone.
After the first session I instantly felt a change. I was stronger, more positive and ready to heal.
I visited Jennifer several times over a 9-month period. Today I can honestly say my anxiety has disappeared, I no longer feel scared, alone or depressed. My fistula has healed and I am better than ever before.
I could not recommend Jennifer enough. She is incredibly caring, insightful, an all-round amazing person, not to mention an incredible healer! – Female, age 30
Two and half years after a separation, I started going to Jennifer for some homeopathic treatment. I began to feel calmer and more relaxed within a few days. After some ‘tweaking’ to find the best blend, I now have a daily remedy that keeps me positive, relaxed and able to take control of my life again. I am delighted with my progress (if I do say so myself!!) and starting homeopathy has been a real turning point in my life. Female
As a homeopath, and mother of a teenager studying for her final exams and college admission tests, I have the opportunity to see first-hand the power of homeopathy to help with exam-related stress and anxiety – and all that comes with it.
Like many teenagers, my daughter is undergoing extra classes, long hours of study and the emotional pressure and stress of the looming date of her exams. Studying has brought headaches, dry, itchy patches of skin in her knuckles, and anxiety around her performance. With homeopathy, I have been able to support her immune system with a good constitutional boost, which has kept her healthy, improved her skin, and reduced the frequency of her headaches. On an acute level, I have given her a remedy to hold and take for headaches from over-studying and a flower remedy (Cognis by Bach) to take if needed for anxiety and worry. She sailed through her mock exams healthy and well, and feels confident going into the Junior Cert in a few months’ time.
This was my daughter’s experience, but because homeopathy deals with each individual and their own expression of dis-ease, different children will need different support. For some teenagers, the exam-related stress goes right into their digestion with stomach pains, loose bowels, nausea, bloating and wind. For others, sleep becomes affected with insomnia, poor quality of sleep, restlessness, and nightmares. A very common complaint, which my daughter suffered, was painful and debilitating headaches from the long hours of study.
On an emotional level, for many teenagers the exams bring up low confidence and poor self-esteem as they question themselves and their capabilities. When left unsupported, these worries can carry over into other areas (sport, activities, and relationships) with the possibility of some teenagers reaching for stimulants to cope. Intervention, even short-term, in the form of counselling can be very appropriate if this arises.
Another area that seems to affect most teens during exams is a general depletion of the immune system with lingering coughs, colds, tonsillitis, and sinusitis, among others. While the long hours are taxing to the immune response, the stress also seems to have an impact as well.
Homeopathy can in many cases provide safe, gentle and effective support for both the physical symptoms (digestion, headaches, insomnia, low and weakened immune response) while also providing emotional support during the long hours of study and during the exam itself. Because the remedies are natural, both children and teenagers take them as they need support – which can be quite empowering to them, and reassuring to those of us who love them.
I wanted to thank you for treating my son with homeopathy. Not only is his eczema resolved but he sleeps in his own bed most nights. At a recent family trip, my relatives noticed that he was really calm and happier in himself. My teenage daughter also did very well on her remedies through her exams and even actually admitted to enjoying some of them! Female – age 38